Today, 5th June 2008 is World Environment Day.The purpose of this week's EcoBuzz is to demonstrate how every aspect of our lives has some impact on the environment.It may seem as if environmental protection can sometimes be the preserve of "green nutter" environmentalists in western countries who may even go so far as suggesting measures we can take to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of our love lives.But this would be trivialising a far deeper and more penetrating issue.Here in Kenya we heavily depend on the environment, the land, and our natural resources for our well being and our wealth.Inappropriate disposal of condoms, for example, clog up sewerage systems, have to be removed manually, and reduce effectiveness at treating waste water.It is the most vulnerable people in our society who suffer the consequences of our environmental abuse.If we are aware about the really negative environmental impacts of our lives, then we have a responsibility to take action, even when cuddling our beloveds. More information on greening your sex life.